

豆さん(家人)のパンツのすそ テンジン/天津のワールマートで70RMBだったチノパン 部分的に薄くなったのとよれ度がひどいのとシミ取れず 処分ー すそ切って 夏の間私のプカプカパンツに そのすそはきれいだしまだ使えるのでリユース あまり布と網戸材料の残り…

What I got Aug-nov16'

¥680 lend if August Finally got easy Sandal but stoped me getting pretty cold ¥1280 at Internet shopping. This was very correct shopping. Owl¥3000 bag ¥1400 ¥2400 this is not good for me. ¥10000 smartphone I could get less 8000.shuuuut …

reday to winter

¥2980 at Shimamura boy 's warmup suit Reday to tub A what I like one B Lil better Reused prastic then Cover for Toilet window